There’s no shortage of ways to find stories online. But as we look back on Pocket’s 10th anniversary, we’re proud to see that we’ve managed to connect millions of people with millions more stories worthy of their time and attention. It all makes for an “unusually pleasant way to consume the internet,” as Vanity Fair wrote earlier this month. And please note, VF didn’t just compliment us, they also celebrate our readers (that's you!) being so “un-gameable compared to their counterparts on Facebook or Twitter.”
That’s because the save has always been a different way of measuring our online habits. What we save is a record of our interests, aspirations, questions, and even obsessions. And in aggregate, what people save to Pocket provides a fascinating snapshot of what has captured our collective attention over the years. Here, browse how that breaks down into the top stories, best advice, and long reads that somehow get better with age.