Species are disappearing faster than ever before—and it’s because of humans. We’re destroying habitats and disrupting fragile ecosystems in a new wave of mass extinction that threatens Earth’s incredible biodiversity. That loss is sometimes overlooked in environmental discussions, as the focus rests on climate change. But our lives depend on the extraordinary variety of natural life around us.
To help slow this trend, turn to one of these 10 organizations below. They are just a few of the many working to protect the plants and animals that make up our world—from the colorful corals to the dense forests, from the largest whales to the smallest beetles. Donate to them, advocate with them, and learn from them.
Find even more environmental action inspiration in our How to Help the Planet collection, with advice on coexisting with creatures, making your wardrobe more sustainable, and more.
Image by Doug Stratton / EyeEm / Getty Images.